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[vdr] Re: "No accelerated IMDCT transform found"


On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 02:17:32PM +0100, Alessio Sangalli wrote:
> guy roussin wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >The message "No accelerated IMDCT transform found"
> >is not related to a mp3 error, this is a liba52 
> >message.
> >I think you have to download djbfft from
> >and install it.
> >Then, reconfigure a52dec.0.73 with --enable-djbfft
> >make;make install and recompile vdr
> I've installed djbfft, changing the home in /usr/local (the default 
> /usr/local/djbfft was not do good for includes etc etc).
> When I try to compile liba52, the linker give an error it can't find 
> -ldjbfft. How should I install those libraries?

cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s djbfft.a libdjbfft.a

> thank you
> as


Michael Westermann | mediaWays GmbH | Phone: +49 5246 80 1896
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