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[vdr] OT: MKISOFS to create DVD-R

I´m still using  this way to create a VDR-DVD out of my Recordings:

First: Cut the movie - so i have only one %MOVIE in the /video0 Directory
2: Copy (collect) all /00x.vdr files to a TEMP-Directory by using cp -s (so CP collect all
   00x.vdr files from all other /video1-2-3 directorys)
3: MKISOFS at this temp-Directory
4: Create the DVD out of this ISO-FILE

Now i have found out that it´s possible to create the ISO-File directly out of the
/video0 Directorys with the command mkisofs -s (follow symbolic-link)

So when i use: mkisofs -s -R -J -o /dvdtemp/iso.iso /video0/%*

I will get a nice DVD out of all Files (and rely fast) but one thing is wrong:

I miss the "first" directory - i only have ths second Directory: 2002-03-25.06:20.99.99.rec

But i want to get the whole Directory: /Zug_des_Lebens/2002-02-04.12:15.50.98.rec  in the

Does anyone see a mistake ?

Second Question:  Is it possible to "mount" a created ISO-File on a /mount-Point
for testing - it takes a lot of time to create a DVD-RW for testing.



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