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[vdr] [NVRAM] [Announce] nvram-wakeup-0.04a


I just released the new version 0.04a of the NVRAM WakeUp project.

This is a (small) program that can read and write the WakeUp time in the
BIOS (via /dev/nvram on recent 2.4.x kernels). On this WakeUp time the
computer will be powered on automatically from the soft-off state.

It is now available at

Here is a list of changes:

 + denotes a new feature
 * denotes a bugfix/some change
 - denotes a removed feature

2002-04-03: Version 0.04a (beta)
 * Fixed the problem with the daylight savings.
 * Some mainboard updates. See nvram-wakeup-mb.h for details and credits.
   Thanks to everyone who sent me his/her board configuration.

And many thanks to everyone who sent me some ideas/hints/pathces.

Have Fun!

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
                -- Mark Twain

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