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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.0.0pre5 DVD addon v7 available + LiveAC3


On Wednesday 03 April 2002 11:33, Ralf Spitzauer wrote:
> Andreas Schultz wrotes:


> I have just installed vdr-1.0.0pre5 and the vdr-1.0.0pre5-nav7.diff patch,
> compiled with "make VFAT=1 DVD=1 AC3=1"
> I 扉e also installed libdvdcss, libdvdread and a52dec-0.7.3
> vdr works, the sound output has switched to digital and works live and from
> recordings without AC3.
> When I play a recording with AC3 like Star Wars from Pro7 or others I have
> the folowing message:
> "No accelerated IMDCT transform found"

this is harmless, if you a slow system get the djbfft lib, otherwise just 
ignore it.

> The recording was played without sound. Vdr still working. Switching to
> another recording without AC3 or live channel works and sound came back.

Are you sure about the patch your using, i would almost suspect that you used 
the nav7-LiveAC3 patch. Pure nav7 works here for AC3 recordings with and 
without the '-a' switch, for LiveAC3 get the fix i posted yesterday.


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