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[vdr] Re: Bug vdr-1.0.0pre5?

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>Mirko Günther wrote:
>>I've record last Monday the Star-Wars movie. And now I've the phanomen
>>that I must start VDR 4 or 5 times so that I can see it at the
>>records-menu. What goes wrong?
>That's very strange.
>I could understand if it never showed up at all, but only sometimes??
>Can you send me the result of a
>  ls -l `find /video -type f`

mirko@lisa:~> ls -l `find /video -type f`
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          415 Apr  5 14:23 /video/ca.conf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         8828 Apr  5 14:23 /video/channels.conf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          348 Apr  5 14:23 /video/keys-pc.conf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          446 Apr  5 14:23 

but this dir isn't in use, because I've changed the video-dir with the 
'-c' parameter. This dir only exist, because your 'install-Option'  and 
I forget every times to delete it. :o)

Today, the  stucture of my video-dir looks so:

/usr/local/vdr/rec/video0 -> /usr/local/video
/usr/local/vdr/rec/video1 -> /media/video
/usr/local/vdr/rec/video2 -> /home/video

this structure has historical cause, because I've a 'little' 20GB-HDD 
with several partitionen and 'video0 - video2' are links to them.
All files from the record are stored at './video0'. Maybe get 'vdr' 
confused with links?!? :o/

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