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[vdr] Re: kvdr 0.5 Xv Mode

Guido Fiala wrote:

>On Sunday, 7. April 2002 20:57, you wrote:
>>I've a small white vertical line rigth of the monitor. Hwo can I get
>>this away?
>That means right of your monitor? You have to repaint your wall then - just 
>joking :-)
*lol* ;o)

>Have a look at the source code and try increasing the values for snipping 
>away borders in line 831 kvdr.cpp:
>if (!Xvdsp) Xvdsp=new 
>	                                    8,8,0,0,isPAL?50:60);//cut away 
>The first 4 numbers in the last line above determine how much is cut away on 
>the left, right, top, bottom of the image. Hope i did'nt mix them up 
>somewhere in the code...
It work's with 'right==9'.

It there a possibility to set Xv-Mode in a small window and not only 
with 800x600?


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