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[vdr] Re: How to delete recordings?

Steffen Koch schrieb:
> Klaus Gerding wrote:
> > > Can you give an advice of how to setup a reiserfs partition to fast
> > > delete gigs of recordings? on my machine (K6-3 400, 2*100GB Maxtor,
> > > reiserfs from suse 7.2) it takes approx 30 seconds to delete a 2 hour
> > > movie...
> > don't use the reiserfs from suse7.2 unless you got an update of it.
> > it has a bug that could kill your partition at a value of 85% filled
> > disks!!!
> why does noone tell me that.. ;-(( I had that problem some time ago...
> but could repair it...
> Howto upgrade to a new version?

i decided to change to ext3 and its running perfect.


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