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[vdr] heat problem with 1.3 Tuner? (was: Re: Artefacts on ARD?


>Switched to a Version 1.3 card (Tuner:BSRV2-301A with Loop thru)
>Now i have -only in the evenning- artfacts in image (squares)

No, not "only in the evening". All day long.
But only on ARD, ZDF is OK.
Have they swapped transponder hardware with ZDF? ;-)

>and in sound ("tweets" "queeks" once in 5 minutes or so but annoyingly
>often) in ARD1 (and SR). Other's are OK.

>Thanks to the new signal strength display it is obvious,
>that ARD+SR have the worst SNR of all..Why?
>Is a SNR of 11db ok/sufficient?

>With the 2.1 (Tuner BSRU6-502A without Loopthru) i had no problems.

>Are the V1.3 not so senisitive than the 2.1?

Do the V1.3 tuner have a termal problem?
I messure 36C(!) at the antenna plug of the 1.3 card,(Tuner:BSRV2-301A with Loop thru)
but only 31C on the plug of the 1.5 card.(Tuner:BSRU6-502A without Loopthru)

There was a fan @ 7V to cool the DVBs blowing from the slot plugs
(riser card) between the cards.
After adding an extra 40*40 fan @ 12V blowing(!) from the top end
of the cards down to the slots(riser card) the artefacts seems to disappear.

The Temps at the Coax-Plugs (outside) are now:
30C on the 1.3 (upper slot) 
29C on the 1.5 (lower slot)

But the box is now much louder :-(

>dbm db
>89 11  ARD1
 55 12  ARD1 12:00
 63 12  ARD1 15:00 "cooled"
>78 14  ZDF
>79 14  3sat
>93 16  1+

>89 16  1f
>88 16  1x
>90 16  mdr

>78 11  SRF

>ARD     :11837:h:0:27500:101:102:104:0:28106
>ZDF     :11954:h:0:27500:110:120:130:0:28006
>3sat    :11954:h:0:27500:210:220:230:0:28007

>MDR FERNSEHEN:12110:h:0:27500:401:402:404:0:28204

>SR Fernsehen Suedwes:11836:h:0:27500:501:502:504:0:28110

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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