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[vdr] Re: STB VDR

We should use english language or use personal mail.

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 17:50:46 +0200, Marc Haisenko
<> wrote:

> 	das waeren 299,- Euro

Is this including VAT (MwSt)?

> , das muesste die STBII5112S sein.
> Im Preis ist schon shipping und Zoll mit dabei. Die Box kommt mit IR-Tastatur, 
> IR-Fernbedienung und 64MB RAM. 

IR is specified as optional in the data sheet. Is the IR-Interface

> Es handelt sich um die von mir beschriebene 
> Ausfuehrung, ohne irgendwelche Extras (also so, wie unter 
> beschrieben ohne die Teile, die als 
> "optional" gekennzeichnet sind, aber mit zwei SCART Anschluessen), also auch 
> ohne Festplatte.

What power supply is contained? 45W or 65W
Is the 65W version also without fan?

The S-video port seems to be only optional.

What a base system is running on the box?
Is a boot monitor available with which software can be loaded into the
box through the serial port?
Can flash memory programmed through the serial port?
What size is the flash memory in the box?
Can it boot from a connected CD-ROM drive?

Is there a detailed development specification available?
There are a lot more questions which would easily be answered by such a

It seems to be a nice box for VDR, maybe still a bit expensive in this
stripped down version. Actually for a pure VDR system most of the video
features are pretty useless. Barebone systems like the MSI-6215 are
probably a better match for VDR software, except for the noise and

If it would have a VGA support for XGA it would be probably nice to
drive a projector, but with 800x600 it isn't possible to display full
PAL resolution.
May be a combination with a Nova card together with the onboard MPEG2
decoder would be fine.

And the question is how easily can linux be ported to it and can it
handle the power requirement of a DVB-S card.


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