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[vdr] Re: instant recording - timer?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Klaus Schmidinger" <>
> What's so hard about entering the "Timers" menu and setting the time
> I don't see the need for an extra way of modifying an "instant" timer.
> Klaus
> --

Well Klaus,

Can't argue with you on that point but there is.
You didn't saw the need to integrate auto sat/transponder search neither.

Not only computer users would love to control a VDR box and there are
enough people who hardly can operate a timed video recording on a
analog video recorder.

The free disk space stays the problem , even when the timer is set to 2 or 3
hours but as written in my previous message.. a free disk space message
on the main EPG screen telling how much time there's left on the
Everyone knows the time format but a percentage as text or bar graph
is something else.

But: These are just some notes to make VDR more...... user friendly.
I'll end this topic now.


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