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[vdr] AW: Re: Bad Overlay (green DIAGONAL lines in light Picture parts) (KVDR, xawtv..)

On Monday, 22. April 2002 11:25, you wrote:
> Hi, i installed KVDR 051 ; so far so good.
> But my picture qualety is very bad becaus i get in xv  overlay mode 
> green diagonal (only in light or white picture parts) lines; these 
> lines have exact the same space inbetween and see to have a "blocky" 
> behaviour. (think i have seen this in my win 98 /XP system in overlay
> too); I am using a hauppauge DVB-s 1.3 so maybe i net a DVB-Bios 
> update ? or is it just a config problem of the overlay mode (xawtv 
> shows the same prob)

>Probably the color-depth is not detected correctly, therefore the 
>bytes-per-line count is wrong and anything is a big mess ;-)

May be ; i tried to start the KVDR with -b 24 -- no change; The green
grid is still there. (fascinating is that it is not over the whole
Picture; just in certain areas (and it looks lik it is made out of
"blocks") :_((

>you can try the "-b" option of v4l-conf, xawtv and kvdr.
How do i use -b with v4l-conf ??

>What card do you have? Maybe some incompatibility is known...
I have a Gforce 2 MX 200 32 MB 

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