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[vdr] Re: Two VDR, any experiences

Hello Axel,

as my first real contact with linux was the vdr project, my
question maybe a newbie kind.
As I am going to add a second DVB-S card to my vdr box your
following statement looked quite interessting to me.

> In the Livingroom i have a VDR with several Cardæ„€ and 
> Harddrives connected to a second SERVER with aditional 
> harddrives wich is under the roof (dachboden)
> at the (dachboden) i have a aditional  VDR-Machine with 2 
> Cardæ„€ running 2 Different VDR-Instances - one for the
> "sleeping-Room" and one for the Office.
Does this mean you run two primary cards (each one with full
control via IR)? If so, how could this be done? Does one
IR-receiver (via lirc) work for both cards?



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