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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.4

VdrNfsroot-HOWTO describes the necessary steps
to make your vdr linux box bootable from a server
within your lan.

Latest versions are available from:


VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.0
initial release

VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.1
some minor addons and bugfixes
(thx to Jochen Kirstätter)

VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.2
additional informations and even more links

VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.3
uneeded kernel options removed
all TODOs are done now
some typos fixed

VdrNfsroot-HOWTO V1.4
Minor layout updates
added a new chapter 5
kernel options for additional vdr features
moved kernel configuration to chapter 3
some rephrasing here and there

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