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[vdr] Re: crashes

> Mandrake 8.2
> kernel 2.4.18
> abit kt7a
> and 2 DVB 1.3
> i am recording on VFAT
> i have a 40m kabel to the dish
> The problems apear only when recording.

> i mean crashing again and agian after reload with runvdr.  Sometimes the
> system
> completely hangs and i have to reboot.
Yes i know this - do you have changed the "sleep parameter" in runvdr to a bigger
volume ?

I had this problems here on a other VDR-Machine - vdr makes a REstart - but the DVB-CArd 
was not ready to deliver a correct Mpeg-Sigmal - so i have changed this  - so
dvb-Driver load and wait some seconds until VDR start and begin with Recording.

Are you sure that DVB-DRiver rmmodes completly - sometimes i have Problems
that some Modules donĀ“t unload when i make rmmod.

I have noticed that sometimes a part of VDR stays in the system and block
the "make RMMOD" only some "killproc "VDR"" free it completly and then
i can make a successfull RMMOD

> The error message is as i remember (i am at work) ---> video stream
> broken.
> second i also have the OSD Colors changing. They are getting very
> transparent.

I had this Problem too some month ago but now everything seem to be allright...

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