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[vdr] Re: Disk performance (was: vdr - some general questions)
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 12:03:42PM +0200, Axel Gruber wrote:
> I have put DMA on and 32Bit access.
If your hardware supports this you may try -u aka unmask IRQ during
processing of a disk interrupt. This improves speed a lot.
> Here in only have Maxtor HD愀 - they are cheap, big - but not very fast.
> Here i can record 4 Streamd from 4 DVB-CArd愀 at same time without problems.
> I only have Problem when i record 3 Streams and make a Playback of a Recording
> at the same time.
> But this depend on what HD does vdr use at this moment - VDR only looks on wich
> HD is the most space at the moment and the he only record on this hd -
> For example: you have 4 HD愀 with 70% filled each - and you install a 5. hd
> Vdr only will record to the 5. HD till it reach 70% then VDR look again to other HD愀.
> So sometimes i have Problems (when VDR record all to the same HD) and i make a Timeshifting
> from this hd - this is too much for it :-)
> A easy solution for this would be a soft-Raid - so the Soft-RAID will connect 5 Devices
> to one big device so you don愒 have any problem to overload one single disk.
> The Problem with a SOFTRAID (please correct me if i惴 wrong) is that is not simple to
> easy add a aditional device to the RAID so you have delete it all and create a new RAID (as i know)
> But back to your question: Yes - a simple maxtor 80GB device is enough for 3 Simultan Recording or 2 Recordings
> and one Playback. - No Problem at all.
> And yes - DMA sould be ON !
> You can check hd-Performance with "bonnie" - but be sure to set a big Check-File sice.
> CU
> Axel
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