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[vdr] AW: Re: My power/noise/heat saving ideas
i think itīs not so easy than most people think
- get the right material for all pieces, rubber can loose its softnes and will break
- your metal clamps can cut slowly thru the rubber/silicon so after a time you will "loose water"
- think about the flow and the air (bubbles, will go up and with the stream) before you put all together
- !!! mesure the flow and build a alarm for flow and temperature !!!
- often you not only have to cool the processor - in our case even the DVB-cards(s)
- if you realy want NO fan you will think of passive airflow for the air of the other components
- even your waterpump will produce noise (a little humming noise)
you can easyly build 2 or 3 systems in 50 hours to get a propper result
(and fry 1 or 2 systems if you have bad luck)
and who is willing to disasemble an renew parts every half a year
i think convection, or a good designed airflow with one fan will be the best solution - as all consumer home entertainment systems (amplifier, sat-box, game-console) have
> For the rest... well, a watercoolant for the CPU is in progress but a
> bit tricky if you build it from scratch with old scrap (used
> motorcycle
> cooler from Ebay, self-drilled cooler for the CPU etc)...
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