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[vdr] Re: Multiple crashes while recording
At the moment I am not able to grab the log file (cannot connect remotely to my vdr) but you are right -- it is not really a *crash* but an "emergency exit". I will send you the relevant log lines as soon as possible.
Norman schrieb am 28.05.02:
> Norman Beck wrote:
> >
> > It seems that each time a new file is created while recording (on startup and everytime when the current file has grown up to MaxVideoFileSize) vdr crashes. The log file does not show any reason - just that vdr has crashed... Although I used to run vdr by init it is not very amusing ;-)
> >
> > As I read in this mailing list some kinds of crashes occur due to dvb-driver problems but the coherence mentioned above is conspicuous to some extend.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> Are you really sure that VDR actually "crashes" (with a segmentation fault or
> something alike), or does it do an "emergency exit" due to some timeout?
> Can you post the message log lines around such a restart?
> Klaus
> --
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