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[vdr] XSVCDs (was Re: does someone know)

On Monday 10 June 2002 09:03, you wrote:
> Am Montag den, 10. Juni 2002, um 09:41, schrieb toni poschner:
> > a program to make svcd images from recorded sessions of vdr?
> Try toscvd. Works good for me.

(I believe) tosvcd re-encodes the MPEG2 video to "SVCD" specifications.

I have been experimenting this weekend with creating XSVCDs - this uses the 
MPEG2 data as broadcast, and doesn't involve re-encoding it.  This means it 
is both faster to create the CDs and they are of the highest possible quality.

This format isn't widely supported by standalone DVD players, but my player 
(the very cheap Yukai/Mustek 520) can play them. has 
player compatibility lists.  

I am using the mplex program from the DVB driver (-t XSVCD) to convert the 
VDR files to XSVCD format, the GNU vcdimager to create the CD image, and 
cdrdao to burn the CDs - a completely GPL'd solution.

I am still experimenting, and am getting occasional A/V sync problems, so I 
would be interested to know if anyone else is trying this.


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