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[vdr] Re: VDR uses up to 98% CPU-time

                                         Roetgen, Di 18.06.02 21:08

>> did someone had the same problem?
>> vdr-1.0.3 with AIO-2605
>> lirc0.6.5
>> kernel-2.4.18
>> Duron 1200

> yes. even after recompiling the problem did exist.
> so i did some experiments.

> and i THINK that mplayer (or something in my runvdr script)
> caused that problem. when i recompiled without MPLAYER=1
> and leaving away the -M option everything was ok again.

I have similar problems with the option TELETEXT=1.
Without TELETEXT=1 there is only low cpu usage on all channels, with
TELETEXT=1 I have nearly 100% of cpu load on some channels where no
teletext data is shown (sorry, don't know which channel at the moment).
Other channels with teletext have normal (low) cpu load.


vdr-1.0.3 with AIO-2605
(no lirc)

Andreas Hölscher, D-52159 Roetgen, Germany
(PGP ID: 1024/0x6AC897BB)

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