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[vdr] Re: Does someone have patched kvdr to compil with last qt/kde?

On Thursday, 27. June 2002 11:05, Gregoire Favre wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 10:50:20AM +0200, Mirko Günther wrote:
> > i've the same problem, when i not start kvdr at first as root after boot.
> > otherwise i get the error messages:
> > 'Jun 27 08:23:03 Lisa kernel: saa7146: ==> calculate_h_scale_registers:
> > invalid value (=0).
> > Jun 27 08:23:03 Lisa kernel: saa7146: ==> calculate_video_dma1_overlay:
> > illegal values.'
> >
> > I don't know, if it's a 'bug' at the modules or at kvdr. :o/

Probably my fault - it might send 0,0,0,0 or something similar as overlay 
size in the haystack of X events that are generated...

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