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[vdr] Re: Newby, channels.conf, ARM-stuff

	Thanks for the quick answer.

> I think there's a cable.conf file in the VDR configuration directory. 
Try to 
> copy it to /video/channels.conf (you might want to make a backup 
before that)

	I did copy channels.conf.cable to /video/cable.conf, sure, this is 
advised in the INSTALL file. But look at the file, you have entries for 
"Cinedom" or whatever, something that I definately don't have.

	I'm really wondering why you need this file, which is de facto not 

	I mean, as far as I know, vdr can automatically learn new keys for 
keyboard-control, what is a pretty advanced feature, but cannot scan 
new channels, what is a vital feature? I'm sure I missed something.

> Well it does have an ARM-processor, but you don't really need to 
worry, the 
> driver does everything for you.

	Ok thank you for the information. It is just less unclear for me now.



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