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[vdr] Re: Scipts to convert to divx ;-)

Gregoire Favre wrote:

>It is really basic: if anyone has better args to give to mencoder, I am
most of the recordings I have converted so far had small black borders, 
can be cropped off with -vop crop=..... to get a better video quality with
a given bitrate.
To find out the right values -vop cropdetect is really useful, but I 
don't know
how to properly do that from a script.

If you don't have a very high bitrate (to fit one movie on one cd) it is 
better to scale ( -vop scale=... ) to a lower resolution to avoid blocky 
compression artifacts, but
you will have to decide for yourself what looks acceptable.

Most tv productions (not real movies) are interlaced. They should be 
before processing. I have used -vop pp -npp lb but there are other 
methods, too ( -npp help ). I don't know if there is a way to 
auto-detect in a script
whether the video is interlaced.

So in addition to the arguments in your command line you could use
something in the form of
-vop scale=640:480,crop=704:574:0:0,pp -npp lb
But of course inserting the right settings automatically is too
complicated for me ;-)


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