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[vdr] Re: AIO22.06: Still probs

>I sent this to the list:
>In mp3.h line 107:
>  inline const char *GetBasedir(void);
>Could be (I am really not sure...):
>  const char *GetBasedir(void);
Yes, I can remember that now :p
Well. the "could" kind of made it "unneccesary" for me, but I'll try it now!

>AND DON'T FORGET TO MAKE CLEAN after this chande before rebuilding...
I already included that in the makevdr....

>I hadn't posted this one, but it means you have compiled with REMOTE=KBD
>and it's then a problem, just pust REMORE=LIRC or find the patch for the
>lib on the ml...
>That one bug isn't gcc related ;-))
Well, thanks again!
With knowing what I have to look for I found it withing a couple seconds!!

Big thanks, I'm trying that now :-)

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