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[vdr] Re: record second audio track (was: 2. Sprache aufnehmen)

At 01:15 03.07.2002, you wrote:
>Hi Mario,
>Am Mit, 2002-07-03 um 00.49 schrieb Mario Dilleni:
> > >Not quite shure if this is still in newer versions of vdr.
> > What you write makes sense to me, but
> > my test recording was during a movie (somewhere in the middle) and I chose
> > the second audio just before recording (to make sure there is a second 
> track).
>there's your fault. The recording of 2nd audio track doesn't depend on
>what track is chosen. Try to replay the recording and press menu. there
>you should see a color-button in green which is named "Sprache". There
>you can switch between the recorded languages.

No, that was just to verify that there is sound on the second track.

When I watched the live broadcast, I pressed menu -> Green to change audio, 
then I listened to the second track.
When I watch the recording and press "menu", there is no second track to 
select ( Green button isn't there).

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