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[vdr] Re : VDR files to vob

Hi Antonio,

It seems you have to cut the first few seconds from recordings before
trying to convert using either PVAStrumento or mplex.
(beginning of VDR recordings are always bad synced)

I have recently tried to test Old SpruceUp Authoring tool using output
from mplex or PVAStrumento. Both worked if video size is a standard DVD
one (for instance, 528x576 is not).

Concerning mplex, there was a thread concerning A/V Sync problem on
linux-dvb Maillist. A Bug has been fixed in mplex code to handle A/V
Sync error message from mplex program and using the last cvs DVB driver
you should be able to use mplex without any problem.

Patrick Gueneau

Antonino Sergi wrote:
> Hi,
> I tryed to find a procedure to convert a VDR file (PES) to a VOB:
> 1) demux to audio and video with mplex or PVAStrumento;
> 2) mux in an ordinary MPEG2(PS) file, recognized bya DVD authoring software, by TMPEGenc or vux directly it into a VOB.
> In every case I found an A/V sync problem, due to step 1, I coudn't fix: mplex produces a different speed of audio and video; PVAStrumento produces bad sound for the first 1-3 seconds and good audio and sync for the following.
> Does anybody know a better procedure?
> Greetings
>                                    Antonino Sergi
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> La strenua predilezione umana per l'irrilevante e' il peggior
>       nemico della nostra specie!
> The tireless human fondness for unremarkable things is the
>       worst enemy of our species!
>                                     Antonino Sergi
> -------------------------------------------------------------

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