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[vdr] AW: Re: vdr / change MaxVideoFileSize > 2000MB

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Rienecker, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M
> []
> Gesendet am: Freitag, 12. Juli 2002 09:49
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Re: vdr / change MaxVideoFileSize > 2000MB
> IIRC there is one unused byte per 8 byte entry in the 
> index.vdr anyway.
> But I dislike solution like that and would like to reiterate 
> my previous
> qustion:
> What's the advantage of having large file support over the 
> current situation
> ???

more flexibility, for my purpose it would be good to have the limit on 4GB (ore more in the future)
bcause of the following:
if i have a movie with 2GB and 1 GB ("normal split") and i want to produce a dvd with my windows system (SpruceUp) i fix the 2 files with pvastumento, put them together and cut with tmpeg (or womble), demux it and try to open that in spruceup i get a error with gop structure (on the former border between the 2 files)

with a 3 GB file (native or cat) i would cut with vdr, fix+demux with pvastrumento and open it with spruceup (should all be possible with win98, limit is 4GB)

if you have one file its also easyer to trancode the movie to something else
(who needs partions bigger then ... - it makes things simply easyer if you have all togehter)

i hope with the redesign of vdr to version 1.2 (next year?) the old 2GB limit will be gone

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