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[vdr] Re: Problem switching channels

Helmut Auer wrote:
> Hello
> Sometimes during zapping it happens that a channel is not shown ( screen is black ).
> Then I switch up and down and the channel is here.
> e.g. it happens very often when I switch up from SAT1 to RTL or back from SAT1 to ZDF
>  >channels.conf:
>  >ZDF:11954:h:0:27500:110:120:130:0:28006
>  >SAT.1:12480:v:0:27500:1791:1792:34:0:46
>  >RTL Television:12188:h:0:27500:163:104:105:0:12003
> The problem was also reported on the ltv.boerde newsgroup (
> news:// ), but nobody could help us.
> I am currently using vdr 1.0.2 with a "dvb-s rev.1.3", suse 7.3 and a multifeed
> "satanlage"(19,2°+13°) with a multiswitches (8/4).
> I have tried several DVB drivers but all are showing the same behaviour.
> Any ideas what I can try ?
> Helmut Auer

I just tried this with VDR 1.0.4 and heavily switched between these three
channels, but not in a single case did I observe any problems.
I also use SuSE 7.3 and a Siemens DVB-S rev 1.3.


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