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[vdr] Feature request - dynamical deavtivation of timers


I come home at different times and so one of the serials which
I want to look depends on this time. So sometimes I could look
it and sometimes I have to record it, so I programmed the timer
for this serial. 
But if I am at home early enough I don't want to record it and
also during advertisings I want to zap through channels, so I
have to deactivate the timer completely.
And if I deactivated the timer sometimes I forget to reactivate
it which is a real problem.

So isn' t it possible that if a timer is running and if someone
wants to change the channel not only to display 'channel locked
for recoding' but also to ask something like 'do you want to stop
recording / deactivate the timer?'
The timer shouldn't be deactivated for ever but only for this one

Is this realizeable?
(I think some people could need this feature.)

best regards
Martin Neuditschko

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