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[vdr] Re: Mplayer is not running

> AO: [oss] 11025Hz 1ch Unsigned 8-bit
> audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: No such device
> couldn't open/init audio device -> NOSOUND
> Exiting... (End of file)
> My vdr machine has no sound card. As far as I have read the manual there
> is nothing mentioned how to set up the sound for a DVB card.

mplayer -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes

should do the trick...

Have a nice weekend,


Gernot A. Weber

Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.

                              Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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