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[vdr] Re: Could you help a newbie?

Am Montag, 22. Juli 2002 01:39 schrieben Sie:
> Hi all, my name is Luca (yes, like Suzanne Vega's song ;D).
> I just installed VDR on my Linux Mandrake 8.2.
> Everything works really fine... what a wonderful job :)
> I have a problem switching from Hotbird to Astra.
> I don't know which is the problem, but I have a "Can't start Transfer
> Mode" message passing from Hotbird to Astra.
> Why this?
> Thx in advance.

Uhm, there is a setting in the LNB menue saying "Use DiSEqC" maybe you 
should enable that

> Seeya
> Luca

#define T 1000
#define M T*T
int main(){int x,y;for(y=0;y<20;y++){for(x=0;x<70;x++){int
c=-1;int xr,yr,zr;int xp,yp,zp;xp=yp=zp=0;xr=(x-35);yr=(y-
)/T)%2==1))c=0;break;}if(zp>T*10){c=0;if (((yp*yp+xp*xp)/(

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