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[vdr] Re: What about creating a newsgrop or a forum?

Thomas Keil wrote:
> ...
> Well, the mail thing is very practical.
> If there's something like a newsgroup gateway I haven't found it yet.
> The Newsgroups on carry different content.
> And yes, sometimes I REALLY wish we had a nice forum, like
> or
> They look nice, are easy to handle and easy to search.
> No offense, but the mailing list archive sucks big time, it's ugly and
> searching something there is a pain in the a**.
> I know, an integration of everything is tricky if not impossible, but
> sometimes (especially when I reach my email Quota of 100MB) I whish we
> had something better....

I still prefer the mailing list, because I can easily manage the message
in my Inbox (where I manage all my important stuff).

Having to access a web forum would probably mean that I wouldn't be
reading/writing very much there any more...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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