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[vdr] Re: CAM Menu

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 09:15:41AM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > so, i am not an active coder i don't know the reason. is it to difficult or
> > what else?
> CAM support is very weak in the LinuxDVB driver, and the driver developers
> made it pretty clear on several occasions that they have no interest in
> improving the situation :-(
> You might want to contact the driver developers directly, though, and try
> your luck yourself...

As I've read in the archives they stated that they would be interested in it
when a customer asks for it. In this case, why can't we become a customer?
I mean they should tell us how much would it cost to improve this part.
After we know the price, maybe all or some of us can donate the project.


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