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[vdr] Re: EPG language
On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:39:50 +0200 (CEST)
"Sergei Haller" <> wrote:
> CK> That's why they broadcasts in more than two languages some channels
> CK> and the EPG for thhose channels should be multi language I think. All
> CK> I see is whith the philips STB got from UPC shows the EPG in Hungarian
> CK> for me, and VDR on Linux shows it in an other (I think Polish).
> CK>
> CK> > Can you give me an example of such a channel? If possible, on Astra 19.2e,
> CK> > since that's the only satellite I can receive.
> CK>
> CK> UPC Direct, but all channels encrypted.
> CK>
> could you check if the travel channel (Free-To-Air) on 11097 V
> ( has a different EPG info with your
> STB - it has a similar configuration (e.g. four different APIDs, Hungarian
> and Polish among them)
I'll try to. Unfortunately the STB works only with an inserted smartcard (We love Philips [or UPC?] for this:) and as you know, when I remove that from my linux machine, I have to do much magic to start decription again...
BTW, I couldn't set it up in VDR :(
Here is the channles.conf line:
Travel Channel:11097:v:0:27500:163:120,121:105:0:28002
I get only black picture, no sound.
What's wrong?
Another interesting thing is that my provider (UPC Direct) can push configuration into this STB when it is in standby mode. This means firmware upgrades and channel config. The interesting part is the channel config for me. Whenever they change something (eg. new channel) they push the new config and next morning I can watch without configuring the STB.
The STB is a Philips DSX 6010/42D "licensed to limite pay-per-view uses only".
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