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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.7.4 available (plugin development)

Am Son, 2002-09-01 um 15.48 schrieb Stefan Huelswitt:
> a new release on my MP3/MPlayer plugin is available from my
> homepage. Beside some bugs fixes this release features a new
> mode in the MPlayer plugin which allows to control MPlayer with
> VDRs remote control. A progressbar OSD is available too.
Really nice work, three problems though:
- a patched mplayer segfaults if it recieves the mute command (I use
gcc-3.1, i'll try it with 2.95 later)
- mplayer stays sometimes in the background if I leave the plugin and
then vdr acts strange (no sound, black screen on other channels)
- the communication with vdr and mplayer has a problem. I see the output
of mplayer on the console and the plugin doesn't react on kOk or kRed.
(Other Keys work)

Another thing: If progressbar and volumebar work well, the mplayer-osd
would become obsolete and should be disabled automatically.

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