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[vdr] Re: channel xx not synch'ed on DVB card 1

Hi Andreas!

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Andreas Hug wrote:

> When I start the vdr I get in the /etc/var/log/messages the following
> errors:
> Error: channel xx not synch'ed on DVB card 1! panic level 0
> After a few hours (und rising panic level 0,1,...9):
> Error: channel xx not synch'ed on DVB card 1! panic level 10
> Error: max panic level exceeded initializing emergency exit
> emergency exit requested - shutting down
> Why does this happen?
> What can be done to avoid this shut down?
> I just deleted the channel von channels.conf but I think this is not the
> only way....

I did a quick hack - its not very clean - but it helps 8-)

(works for 1.0.4 etc)
Go in file dvbapi.c to the
"esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: channel %d not sync'ed on DVB card %d!", 
ChannelNumber, CardIndex() + 1);"
(around line 2468)

Change the
// cThread::RaisePanic();

(then it is commented out)

After that recompile vdr (dont forget the make clean).

With this change vdr will not raise the panic-level on channel-not-sync - 
and dont restart, etc.


 Georg Hitsch     ++ mail:
 ripe: gh231-ripe ++ web:

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