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[vdr] fonts - try them out

ok I've built some (good?) fonts. You will understand I didn't take 
fonts from a XFree86 distribution. The problem is that GOOD fonts are 
expensive and only the major companies can give away hi quality fonts. 
However this company decided to distribute few fonts for free on the 
internet, and you can use them even if you don't have their products.

Unbz2 the file you can find at:

choose one file form the resulting dir and copy it to the vdr directory 
naming it 'fontosd.c'. Give a:

make clean && sh makevdr (or whatever command you use to compile it but 
remember to cleanup before) and enjoy. I need testing for the little 
fonts (because of the flickering problem). Let me know if you like them.

The Makefile should be changed to allow a font selection from there; I'm 
pretty busy with the Image viewer and if there is somebody that can take 
care of this it would be good.


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