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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.1.9

Meinrad Sauter wrote:
> Am Sonntag 08 September 2002 22:16 schriebst Du:
> >Am Sonntag 08 September 2002 18:43 schriebst Du:
> >>Am Sonntag 08 September 2002 18:27 schriebst Du:
> >>>Meinrad Sauter wrote:
> >>>> Hi Klaus, hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> great feature, and it works...
> >>>> least for a few seconds. Then I get
> >>>> GPIO0 irq oops
> >>>> ...
> >>>> many of them and then:
> >>>> dvb0: arm crashed
> >>>>
> >>>> This happens both when trying to timeshift and switching channels when a
> >>>> recording is running.
> >>>>
> >>>> Any Idea?
> >>>> BTW: Tried the CVS driver with FW from NEWSTRUCT as well as your patched
> >>>> one. DVB is a TT v1.5
> >>>
> >>>For a while I ran my VDR box with kernel 2.4.18 because of problems with
> >>>my MPEG encoder card. However, with that kernel apparently my harddisk
> >>>didn't work with DMA, so the performance was pretty bad. During that time
> >>>I also saw lots of "GPIO0 irq oops". Now I'm back to kernel 2.4.10 and it
> >>>works fine again.
> >>
> >>Thanks, thats a possibility. 2.4.18 is exactly the kernel I'm using. Will
> >> try a different Version and see if it helps.
> >
> >I tried 2.4.10-xfs instead, but the problem remains. After a while I get the
> >irq oops's even in live viewing mode without any recordings.
> >Am I the only one with this problem?
> >
> OK, did some more testing.
> After disabling "doze mode" in BIOS the Oops's were gone as well as the ARM
> crashes. Now everything works fine, except lots of "buffer empty" messages
> during record (assume this is due to the missing "fine tuning").
> So, this looks really very promising...

I believe the "buffer empty" message appears during replay. I also have this
sometimes, but apparently this doesn't cause any visible or audible glitches.
I'm not sure what to do about it.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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