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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: Pro7 commercial filter idea

Am Freitag, 13. September 2002 18:29 schrieben Sie:
> Am Fre, 2002-09-13 um 12.07 schrieb Martin Geistreiter:
> > why not set up a broadcaster-Logo DB and check if the logo is
> > displayed. Most do during films, but not during commercials.
> That idea is not new. There were some projects on the net that tried to
> write a filter that searches for logos. IIRC non of them reached a
> usable state. The tv-stations do several tricks to avoid finding the
> logos like transparent(now nearly every channel) or animated(RTL2) ones.

Hmm, why don't we just parse the images, pattern-match the objects and 
decide between commercialy and shows by content?

> ciao
> Dariush

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