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[vdr] Re: [vdr]Re:shutdown via vdradmin and wish for timer

> Hello Sven,
> * does your machine shut down, if you call the script
> manually?
have not tested it yet, but if I call the script
manually, I can see the message to power down the vdr on
screen (hit everytime a key on my remote conrol to stop
> * does your machine shut down, if you press the power
> on your remote?
> * Did you enable svdrp access from your localhost?
> (svdrp.conf)
what do I have to do. I can call VDRADMIN via local
Network from my second PC and it works 
> If all this works, I am afraid, that I don't know any
> good luck
Thank you - I need it :-)
> Gerhard
Am I so stupid, that I cannot find the reason why this
feature is not working?
So, is there anybody else who can help me?
Klaus, could you help me please?


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