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[vdr] Re: A Bug which should be turned into a feature ...

Carsten Koch wrote:
> The problem is, that all keys are modal.
> What they do depends heavily on context.
> In an interactive situation, this is often acceptable.
> For a scripted situation, it is not.
> ....
> If course, that would solve the above case where I delete the 
> wrong recording,
> but it would not solve the other case where I zap instead of pausing.
> To solve that, I suppose something other that HITK altogether 
> is needed.
> In other words, the mapping of context+key = final command 
> should be untangled
> and SVDRP should provide direct access to the final command.
Your absolutely right! It is really a pain in the a.. not to have
"absolute" SVDRP commands available.
Perhaps ist would be possible to add SVDRP commands via the plugin
interface ... Klaus?

Cu Ulrich

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