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[vdr] Re: SNES-emulator running with vdr

Am Montag, 16. September 2002 14:12 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> I started porting snes9x to run with a DVB-card as a output device.
> Currently graphics-output works (tested only with PAL-output), audio still
> uses the normale sounddevice.
> Now I want to make a vdr-plugin for this. I thought to use the
> mplayer-patch as a starting point.
> Any suggestions, what to implement in
> this plugin?
a menu for choosing Games(maybe done like mplayer/mp3?) would be nice. Great 
work, I love it, would be nice if it is fullscreen, and makin a 
vdr-1.1.x-plugin would be nice instead of making an additional patch...

> You can get the emulator here:
Thanks for it.

> Bye,
> Matthias


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