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[vdr] AW: Re: AW: VDR shutdown problem

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Martin Geistreiter (MG) wrote:
> MG> > > Any ideas?
> MG> > > BTW: sometimes VDR shuts down sometimes not...
> MG> >
> MG> > > Regards,
> MG> > > Andreas
> MG>
> MG> > I  have similar problem, like reported in my mail " vdr
> MG> > doesn't shut down" from 20.07.02
> MG>
> MG> > Jörg
> MG>
> MG> So do I.
> MG> I also recognized that this happens if you press the shutdown
button. If
> MG> you press again it works; mostly. But the Timers for nvram-wakrup
> MG> not written then.
> if  you're  both  using  nvram-wakeup,  you should look at your logs,
> nvram-wakeup tells you. it can happen for example, that if the system
> is  changed  by  vdr according to the time transmitted via EPG, the
> time  differs  by  more than 5 minutes from the hardware clock (of
> after taking time zone ito account). In that case nvram-wakeup will
> to set timers.
> if that's the case, you should
>  1. ensure that your hardware clock is running correct time
>  2. choose one transponder, which you trust about time and set it
>     soemwhere in the setup
> btw.:  use  -l  option, if you want nvram-wakeup to redirect all
output to
> /var/log/messages
> c ya
>         Sergei
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>          eMail:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
>                 -- Mark Twain

>the problem is that nvram-wakeup is not called by vdr, something goes
wrong >in
>vdr and the part of the loop where the check for shutdown is made, is
 if nvram-wakeup is not called, you might have forgotten to set the -s
option of the runvdr script to the vdrshutdown script (sample with
nvram-wakeup) fe:  -s /usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown  


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