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[vdr] AW: Re: AW: Another question about conversion

> Von: Luca Merega []
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. September 2002 13:15
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Re: AW: Another question about conversion
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Bläser, Lars
> >thats what pvas does (with a very good error compasation), 
> but without
> "resampling", 
> >its more a repackatizing with error correction, the mpeg2 
> picture and 
> >mp2 sound streams are not realy changed (picture size size, datarate,
> ... 
> >will be the same as before)
> This is what I am trying to do :D
> >my way looks like this:
> >-convert to mpv/mpa or PS with pvastumento (batch/joblist)
> First question (remember I am speaking aobut Windows).
> Using bbMpeg to multiplex these two new files, make me obtain a MPEG
> file playable by Windows Media Player or WinDVD or PowerDVD 
> or similar?
> (No recompression, only repackatization)

afaik the PS from pvas schould play with the usual softwareplayers under windows, the problems i spoke about are more on standalone players
muxing means "no recompression" (transcoding)

> >-with a hardware mpeg2-transcoder (only windows soft) 
> >i convert it to the format i need (realtime or faster, joblist)
> Second question: I have also a DXR3 card which is surely an MPEG
> decoder... Perhaprs also encoder.
> Can u suggest me any software to use with my DXR3 to accelerate encoding?

dx3 is only a decoder

> I often use DVD2SVCD to convert to MPEG2 format using Cinema Craft
> Encoder. Perhaps with a software that uses hardware it would be much
> faster.
if you have a 2GHz P4 the CCE will be fast, in the new version of my vidac-mpeg2 encoder card there is adobe-premiere plugin that can be used with FlaskMpeg/Xmpeg
the encoding speed is not THAT impressive, i.e. 50fps for a 480x576 trancoding only changing the datarate to SVCD compliance, or 25fps for 720x576 to SVCD

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