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[vdr] cut and copy at one Process

Hi List,

I currently use this way to Write movies/Series to DVD:

SET cutting_Markers in the recording
Cut them
Start a script wich collect all cuttet Movies to a TEMP-Direcotry
Write this direcotry to DVD

this works but there are several Problems:
- Works only with no Subdirectorys
- this only allow to have % for DVD-Recording only - all other cutted
Movies will be deleted by the script.
- Not very easy to use.

Yesterday i have looked at TOSVCD wich is able to read the CUTTING-Markers in 
a Recording and encode only the marked parts of a movie.

With the AIO Patch comes a small patch with wich the user is able to press a 
special button in the recordings menu and VDR starts a application with the filename
of the marked recording as extention.

So my question:

Does anyone have a small Programm wich only does the "first part" of tosvcd:
copy&CUT at one part ?

My Idea:

Select a recording in Recordings-Menü - Press the "magic Button" Vdr starts the 
CUT&copy Programm with the filename of the recording as extention.

This Programm cut&copy this Movie to a /temp directory wich can be burned.

Perhaps itīs possible to extract this Part out of TOSVCD ?? - Donīt know - iīm not
a Programmer...

So if anyone have a idea or a solution ......



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