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[vdr] Re: autostart for VDR

Hi domolink morocco,

>Hi again Sschmidt,  Thanx for the answer ... just to be a lil more
>I have VDR working '' a la perfection''  everything.conf   is okay
Ähem, nu denn.

>I read in a thread that I should demonize VDR to have it running without
>having to log myself
You mean "login myself" or really log?
If you mean the first no there is no need to login to have a running vdr. The files rc.local are good for doing such things.

>the thing is that I want vdr to start automatically without having to pass
>trough log+passW
No need for.

>So If I understand u well : I should do:
>type:                       ''cd /etc ''
>type :                      ''edit rc.local''
>in rc.local  type :   ''cd /usr/local/src/VDR; ./runvdr &''
>then type :             ''open -c2 runvdr''
Nö. If you are in peanut and have a shell you can simply start mc with:
mc [ENTER]
Now you can change the location where you like to work in a simple an experienced environment with only the cursor and the enter keys. ;-)
The right place to find the rc.local file is /etc/rc.d/rc.local . If you are there you can edit the rc.local file with F4 within mc or if you are on shell with mcedit rc.local .
Near the end of the file there are some lines beginning with echo.....
This are the messages you get when peanut comes up. Put simply the line:

open -c2 runvdr

between the last fi statement and the first echo. It should look like this:

if [ /mnt/swap/swap.img ]; then
/sbin/swapon /mnt/swap/swap.img 2>/dev/null

open -c2 runvdr

echo -en "\\033[2;35m"
echo "Login with root plus your password then run 'setup' or 'kdm' to begin!."
echo "To create a 'user' account type 'adduser', accept most of the defaults."

Save the File with F2. Thats all.
If you like to look for the messages vdr produces you have to change to the second console with [ALT]+F2 or [ALT]+left or right.
If your runvdr script resides in /bin or /usr/bin your system should start vdr after a reboot.
Thats the magic.

>Again to be accurate , this VDR will run as on a stand alone basis ... no
>login to be done
No Problem.

>even if I would like to be able to navigate through the OSD from the PC
>keyboard and soon I hope with the  remote control
Aaah, that is a problem. :-) You have to change to console 2 after every restart of your system. With a irremote there will be no problem at all.

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