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[vdr] Re: Allwell Set-Top-Box ordering

Markus Schorer wrote in a Mail about "[vdr] Re: Allwell Set-Top-Box

> STBII5112S

Hmmm...I don't know this one. I am only interested in the newer 6086N²
or better and not without MPEG4 decoder, but as it seems, that neither will
run DivX5 nor do they have one on the PCI riser as of yet.

Thanks for the info anyway !!!

> Wir können ihnen die Box inklusive Festplattenkabel (aber ohne
> Festplatte), Festplattenrahmen, Infrartotastatur und Fernbedienung für
> 299,- ? zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst. anbieten. 64MB of ram.

Hmm....price seems ok. However, if it is too slow it is too slow.

> this was given to me by marc haisenko of sfp ag. remember: this is
> not their main business, so please be kind ;-).

Sure, but I think I will wait.

> so i gave up (for now)...


Good bye, Andreas
Mandrake Linux 8.2,  Athlon1.2GHz, MSI K7T266Pro, 512MB DDR-RAM, MSI StarForce64Pro (GeForce2PRO), Hercules GameTheater XP, D-Link530DX, Hauppauge WinTV-s rev2.1,IWill SIDE2930C

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