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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: [VDR - DVB ] Little OT : Stupid question about cam .

"Bläser, Lars" wrote:
> ...
> NO, the CI of the NOVA-CI budget card is not supported because its completly different from the "original" of the full card, he will need a full card with CI and a budget card without CI, with the new timeshift option of the new firm/vdr 1.1.x it is possible to use this in a acceptable way
> if you record a crypted channel, then you can watch a channel (even encrypted!?) on the same transponder or play a recording and if its on another transponder and FTA you will have it from the budget card in transfer mode

I'm afraid if your CAM is in the primary (thus full featured) DVB card, you
won't be able to record an encrypted channel and at the same time view a
different channel or recording. If you want to make full use of a CAM, I suggest
you get two full featured DVB cards and put the CAM into the second one.


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