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[vdr] Re: pvr and lirc...
Schrevel, Milena schrieb:
>hi all,
>i want to control my pvr with a remote control. i installed lirc and
>libirman. i am using suse linux 8.0.
>i installed vdr with "make remote=lirc". with the help of irrecord i created
>a lircd.conf. my remote control now works only for a few keys (for changeing
>the channels and volume) but i cannot go to the menue... is there something
>like lircd.conf for pvr as well?
>thanks, milena
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have a look into config.h. Name the buttons in lircd.conf exactly as
they there and it will work.
Button names are: Up, Down, Menu, Ok, Back, Left, Right, Red, 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Green, Yellow, Blue, Power, Volume+, Volume-,
Mute, -- (Channel Menu).
Greetings Helge.
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