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[vdr] Re: Sat1 crashes vdr


Dennis Noordsij schrieb:
> Ingo, try to use dvbtune -f 12480000000 -s 27500 -v 1791 -a 1792 (and probably 
> some other switches, I don't have sat so I am not sure :-) to tune the card 
> and tell it to play the -v and -a streams to the tv-out, without using VDR. 
> If that works fine, without crashes, it's a VDR problem. If that also crashes 
> your machine, it's a driver/card problem and is better addressed on the DVB 
> list.
> Cheers
> Dennis

now after some difficulties with dvbtune I managed to get it running.
The result is that Sat1 (and all channels I've tested) are working
without program or system crashes.

Just another point concerning dvbtune. I tried "dvbtune -f 12480000 -s
27500 -v 1791 -a 1792 -p v" and always got an error. Then I used the
service number "dvbtune -f 12480000 -s 27500 -pnr 46 -p v" and the
channel tuned in ok. Do I need more/other options for the use with

So, back to my problem: It seems to be an error with vdr. What else
can I do to help solving this? And, is there really nobody out there
who cannot watch Sat1 without crashes?

Bye, Ingo

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