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[vdr] Re: Plugin & Diseqc Question to Klaus & all

Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> >Let's see how your experiments with the tuning timeout turn out.
> Sadly enough it didn't work ;o. I tried both of your ideas. As I had
> already tried both old & newstuct drivers w/o any difference in
> the results, I used the latest driver from your page (patched one) for
> the experiments. I tried increasing from 5000 to 20000 to 60000
> and finally to 1500000 (more than enough time). In a further test,
> I used a loop (2, 4,8,16 passes) and kept the original value of 5000.

Strange... I would have expected this to work.

> The only thing that happens now, is that there is no "not syncd"
> messages and therefore no raising of the panic level, but still
> no picture after tuning.
> Back to the original 1.1.13, I am using the follwing line (all sats
> are the same) in the diseqc.conf:
> S19.2E 11700 V 9750 [E0 31 6B 02] W52000 v W15 t
> S19.2E 99999 V 10600 [E0 31 6B 02] W52000 v W15 T
> S19.2E 11700 H 9750 [E0 31 6B 02] W52000 V W15 t
> S19.2E 99999 H 10600 [E0 31 6B 02] W52000 V W15 T
> If I leave out or change ANY parameters, it doesn`t work anymore.
> Could you explain how the diseqc.conf lines are read by the program?

Well, take a look at the source code ;-)

> Does it read the first parameter and send it, then the next and so forth?

What do you mean? Each line in diseqc.conf stands for one combination of
source, frequency and polarisation. The parameters for the one that fits
is sent.

> Or does it read the complete line and send the whole command set at
> once?

All lines are read at program startup.

> The problem with the long W parameter is that I have to wait 52
> seconds everytime I start VDR before I see the first picture. Same
> goes for switching from one satellite to the next. Interestingly enough
> if I switch from say Pro7 to RTL (meaning the same satellite), I
> don`t have to wait the 52 seconds. How come?

The DiSEqC commands are only sent if they are actually different.

> If the diseqc line
> is sent everytime it changes a channel, I would expect that I have
> to wait 52 seconds for EVERY channel change (not just when I
> jump from one satellite to the next). There is a slight delay while
> changing channels on the same satellite, but definatly NOT 52
> seconds. For my tests I am using a channel on Astra 19.2 and
> another on Hispasat 30W. It takes my motor roughly (didn`t use a
> stop watch, but rather counted 21,22...) 45 seconds to travel the
> distance.
> The last "t" or "T" is also very important. If I leave that out or set it
> in front of the motor command, everything works, except I never
> get a picture on the TV. I then must retune to a channel (can be the
> same or a different one) on the same satellite. At least I don`t have
> to switch diseqc off and back on again while changing satellites

Well, I don't know why you do or don't need the 'T'. This simply controls
the 22kHz tone.

> The LNB I am using is a low noise ALPS model from 2001 and the
> motor is from this year (so it can`t be outdated equipment). I am
> using a 85 cm dish, which gives me very good reception, even when
> it snows or rains. As I can receive satellites from 42°E to all the
> way up to 58°W, it can`t be a signal to carrier noise (or otherwise
> weak signal) problem.
> Any more ideas what is hurting VDR? What I would like to do, is
> tell VDR to keep tuning (i.e. more than once) to the new channel
> until it has locked. As far as I understood your code, you only tell
> the DVB to tune once to the new channel and then VDR simply
> waits until has locked into the new channel (but doesn`t send the
> tune command again). Perhaps even sending the tone command
> once, after the motor has reached the satellite position is enough.

Just put the tuning call into the waiting loop to test that.

> What I am guessing, is that the when the motor moves, it garbles
> the signals coming to or from the LNB. Maybe the "send tone"
> command gets swallowed and the LNB never recieves it. I do
> NOT think it is a power supply problem (the DVB is supposed to
> be able to supply 400mA and my motor only uses ~300-320ma
> (measured) at startup. Once it starts moving the current consumption
> goes down quite a bit (don't remember the exact value ~~200mA)
> .
> >I'll first have to implement some other things and will come back
> >to the motor frontend needs later...
> I already started ;o)) I`ll keep working on it, if you don't mind. If
> people can use it, maybe you can use part of the code later (or
> leave it as a plugin). I started out with your hello plugin as a basis.
> It seems that I am one of the few (only one?) who uses a motor
> dish with VDR ,o).

That's possible. For most people Astra and maybe a second sat with a
second LNB in the same dish is all they need (same here: my dish does have
a motor, but I don't use it since it worked only with the old analog
receiver and I want to receive Astra 19.2 and 28.2 simultaneously).


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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